
Dark Secrets (Lancers Book 4) by P. R. Adams

The Lancers return, a slightly different team, but I know them all (though that is not essential for reading the book - it just gave me a buzz that I did). It makes good reading seeing how they work out how, or whether, they can work together. It's made more difficult by the job the Benji’s got them on.

However, Benji isn't happy with Go's changes to the team and Go doesn't like it when people keep secrets (and most of them have), so there are 'problems' in the team. 

The 'job' is high earning and as usual, for Lancers, that requires a lot of commitment (a bit like marriage! - to the death). 

It seems like a historical vendetta is playing out and the Lancers are front and centre, saving themselves and many more along the way.

Without wanting to spoil your enjoyment of this most excellent novel, I would like to say that I found it exciting to read and intriguing at how previous stories linked into it. Somehow P R Adams manages to create real worlds and environments that give the reader an immersive experience.

I'll be going back over P R Adams book list to read or re-read some of his other older books to get back story and keep up my character and world knowledge, I reckon.
"Firefights were always the same for Jason. Everything took on a frightening clarity, as if the universe had cranked itself up to eleven."
I received a free copy of this novel from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review.

5/5 Stars (What this means...five-stars-applied-carefully)

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Official description:
Secrets and lies can get you killed.

Benji Chan is a Gridhound, an elite hacker. In fact, she’s the best hacker ever known. And she’s put together an expert team of Lancers—bounty hunters, detectives, and mercenaries. Now all she has to do is keep them together.

Their first job seems simple enough: Find the spy who’s trying to steal valuable industrial secrets on a remote colony world. But nothing’s ever as simple as it appears. Lies and betrayal quickly destroy the team’s trust in each other and in their employer, and the job itself is nothing like they expected.

Will this be the opportunity of a lifetime, or will it be the last thing they ever do?

The Lancers series is full of mystery, suspense, and intrigue. Grab your copy now, and enjoy the thrilling twists and turns that come with Dark Secrets.

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